doing it without doing it ~ open loops

October 31, 2007

doing it without doing it

more than 80 million years without sex!! and still exist on the earth. bdelloid rotifer has been living like this for last 80 million years. guess what's more; there are no males in this species. female bdelloid rotifer can reproduce alone.
so, next time while you enjoy "doing it", just think if same happens with us, then what will be the repercussions.


Saurabh Kumar said...

sex is like sin in india. hai people grow up.. sex is best way to reach enlightenment. Orgasm is a snapshot of enlightment. They made it like sin beacuse , not let u feal the enlighment .ll great post man , keep it up.

giri said...

yes!! when we get enlightenment, it's called state of nirvana. So, keep "doing it" folks.